Eurasian Solar Union (ESU)

  • SGE-08A

    Sniper with Kalyev HV Rifle.



  • SGE-09A

    Support Infantryman firing AT-17 Sandbox Missile Launch



  • SGE-0lA

    Infantryman standing with KI-72 Combat Rifle. open-face helmet.



  • SGE-10A

    Female trooper with RK-80 Support MG. firing pose (in helmet)



  • SGE-10D

    Female trooper with RK-80t MG. standing at rest (bareheaded)



  • SGE-11D

    Female sniper with Pulse Laser rifle (bareheaded)



  • SGE-12B

    Female trooper with KI-72 rifle (in field cap)



  • SGE-13B

    Communications trooper kneeling with comme pack (in field cap)



  • SGE-14A

    ESU kneeling squad leader or crew no.2 - ideal for use with crew-served weapons (41,42)



  • SGE-21

    Power Armour Trooper with anti-personnel weapon(APW)



  • SGE-22

    Power Armour Support Trooper with twin rocket packs & APW



  • SGE-23

    Power Armour Support Trooper with 20mm Autocannon.


